• “When the breath is unsteady, all is unsteady; when the breath is still; all is still. Control the breath carefully. Inhalation gives strength and a controlled body; retention gives steadiness of mind and longevity; exhalation purifies body and spirit. “


true AND false in respiration

  1. The air we breathe is not pure oxygen

    true: Under normal conditions, the air we breathe is 21% oxygen (O2), 78% nitrogen (N), 0.04 % carbon dioxide (C02) and other gazes such as hydrogen.

  2. Respiration is induced by the need for oxygen

    false: Under normal circumstances, the oxygen supply is always ample in nature, and therefore the body’s need for it is slight. Carbon dioxide is what significantly drives respiration.

  3. The body needs oxygen to move

    false: The process of muscular contraction in vertebrates (includes humans and animals with backbones) is actually anaerobic, which means it does not require oxygen.

  4. Carbon dioxide (Co2) is bad for you

    false: Co2 is in fact more fundamental to life than oxygen. It helps maintain blood acidity, controls respiration, and influences the heart and blood circulation.

  5. Carbon dioxide (Co2) and Oxygen (O2) are transported separately in the body

    true: O2 is carried by hemoglobin and Co2 is combined with alkali in the plasma. As a result a blood sample can have as much O2 as Co2 or as little Co2 as O2.

  6. Co2 and O2 work together in synchronicity

    true: Co2 improves the oxygenation of the blood and tissues. O2 is necessary for the conversion of lactic acid into carbon dioxide.

  7. Respiration ceases where there is too much carbon dioxide in the blood

    true (partially): If there is enough or too much Co2 in the blood, we automatically cease to breathe (or breathe slowly) if at the same time the amount of Co2 available is deficient.

  8. Inspiration is automatically followed by expiration

    true: According to the “Hering and Breuer” reflex, each expiratory deflation of the lungs stimulates the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles to induce inspiration. Inspiration and expiration are reflexes controlled exclusively by the nervous system (we cannot control that). A good illustration of this reflex is our inability to stop ourselves from inhaling and exhaling after holding our breath.

  9. Co2 drives respiration adjustments

    true: Whenever blood acidity is to high or too low (normal blood acidity or pH is between 7.35 and 7.45), respiratory adjustments take place. If it is too low, there is an increase in respiration; if it is too high, there is a decrease in respiration

  10. The volume of breathing depends on the rate of respiration

    false: The volume of breathing necessary during respiratory adjustments(increased breathing or decreased breathing) depends on the depth of breathing not the rate.

  11. Breathing is regulated by Oxygen

    false: Breathing is regulated by the carbon dioxide (or carbonic acid) produced in the muscles and organs and carried by the blood to the respiratory center in the brain. Co2 is what stimulates this center.

  12. Excessive breathing helps restore O2 levels

    false: Excessive breathing is induced by O2 deficiency in the blood exerting an abnormal and excessive action on the respiratory center. Excessive breathing is then triggered which in turn depletes the body’s store of Co2

  13. From a physiological point of view, panic attacks in anxiety occur because of a lack of oxygen

    false: A healthy person with anxiety experiences a panic attack because of low levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.

  14. Anxiety causes irregular breathing

    true: When anxious, we tend to have irregular breathing patterns, the degree of which depends on the level of anxiety. Typically, we tend to overbreathe or hyperventilate, which means that we may take between 18 to 20 breaths per minute (normal breathing rate is 12 to 18 breaths/min), sometimes rising to 30 breaths per minute, which may results in a panic attack.

  15. Overbreathing or hyperventilation uses the chest muscles

    true: When hyperventilation, we use the chest muscles, often putting a strain on it, which may lead to chest pain. Chest breathing is erratic, shallow, and uncomfortable, because you only get partial ventilation in the lungs. Exhaling in this case is often forced and noisy, and sighing and yawning are frequent.

  16. Hyperventilation is inefficient ventilation

    true: Ventilation refers to the gas exchange that takes place in the lungs where oxygen is added to the blood by bonding to hemoglobin and transported to other organs in the body. However, in order for the oxygen to be released from the hemoglobin, carbon dioxide must be present.

    During hyperventilation, more oxygen is taken in than the body needs and too much carbon dioxide is being removed from the body, as a result not enough oxygen is actually delivered to the organs and the low levels of carbon dioxide further trigger increased respiration.

  17. Diaphragmatic breathing is natural breathing

    true: Diaphragmatic breathing is how babies breathe, which means it is the natural way of breathing.

  18. Breathing in a bag brings relief during a panic attack

    true: If you are having a panic attack, get a large paper bag (don’t use plastic), scrunch the top of it, and breathe fully into it. Re-breathe the air in the bag in and out several times until you feel better. This will bring the carbon dioxide levels back up. Then, try to lean forward over a table with your elbows on your knees.

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With good breathing, the air traveling through the trachea reaches a wider area in the lungs (top and bottom) where it is distributed to the alveolis. Shallow breathing, by contrast, draws minimal breath to the chest area, which means that the air will mainly reach the upper part (apex) of both lungs.




The goal is to extend the exhale and squeeze the air out.

1-Sit comfortably with relaxed neck and shoulder muscles

2- Breathe in slowly through your nose

3- Purse your lips and exhale slowly through your mouth


    Press your lips together making an “sss” sound

4- Repeat as often as possible and practice as frequently as possible until you notice a change in your breathing pattern

four types of breathing in man.


Respiration & The Tongue

Did you know?

  • Anterior placement (back) of the tongue indicates fear

  • Pushing the tongue against the roof of the mouth helps silence the verbal mind chatter.

  • Proper positioning of the tongue is where the tongue rests at the top of the mouth sitting ½ inch behind the front teeth. Entire tongue should be pressing against the roof of the mouth (including the back of the tongue), lips should be sealed and teeth rest slightly apart.

  • Your tongue should be resting entirely on the palate, your lips together, and your breathing should be through the nose 95-100% of the time.

  • MORE

your tongue relaYS your thoughts through words, but IT IS THROUGH MOVEMENT THAT IT conveys your state of mind.




Practice for 5 minutes at the minimum, but for better results 15-20 min. You may practice several times in a day, in the morning, at midday and before bed.

  • First withdraw the tongue a little and the relax so it stays naturally inside the mouth cavity, and is not pointing towards the roof of the mouth.

  • When we curl the tongue up towards the roof of the mouth, we need to exert an intention to do so, the effort results in activating the sympathetic nervous system.

  • We withdraw the tip of the tongue a little and relax it. In so doing, the tongue rests naturally inside the mouth cavity without touching anything, neither the teeth nor the bottom of the mouth.

  • Sit with back straight (2 ears above the shoulders), head straight (tip of the nose aligned with navel), eyes half closed looking down at a spot about 2 to 3 hand spans in front of us) – eyes closed could lead to sleepiness and eyes wide open could lead to straining the eyes  – and body relaxed. Lips are naturally closed and teeth are slightly open, not clenched.

  • If practicing correctly, saliva is secreted as a result f the parasympathetic system being activated. If incorrectly practiced, or if angry or tense, the sympathetic system will be activated and inhibit saliva secretion, resulting in dry mouth.

  • Tongue root tension will crowd and constrict your throat. The tongue via the hyoid bone is connected directly to the larynx.

  • Tongue stretcher: stick tongue out, grab it with tissue and gently draw it down to the chin. Relax your mouth, jaw and tongue. Repeat three times. This exercise is best for resting or chronic tension (as in anxiety).